Training Overview
All of our three-module Somatic Resilience and Regulation programs are held in a hybrid online format, which includes pre-recorded lectures and demonstrations, followed by Q&A and experiential practice sessions held live on Zoom. These programs are scheduled to be compatible with different international time zones to provide for a regionally-focused training, as noted on the training location schedule.
Graduate programs are held in person at the locations specified in the program listing.
A somatic approach to supporting recovery from developmental trauma
This three-module program will focus on understanding the effects of trauma during early development. We will present regulation-focused techniques for working with both children and adults, including recognizing developmental trauma in its adult disguises. By understanding how trauma affects the developing child, we can better understand our adult clients' symptoms of early trauma and be more effective in our work with them.
This course is an integrated somatic approach for supporting and restoring clients’ resilience and self-regulation. The primary orientation is on more deeply understanding the impact of developmental trauma. The techniques we practice include the use of what we call intentional touch methods, which can be applied with or without the direct use of touch, making them applicable for both in-person work and online work.
The program consists of pre-recorded videos of lectures and demonstrations, with Q&A time and experiential practice of the specific somatic techniques during the live portions of the program.
In this three-module series, we will cover the following material:
- How developmental trauma interrupts self-regulation, attachment, and healthy physiology
- The relationship of attachment and bonding to traumatic stress physiology
- The somatic effects of developmental trauma
- The interplay between the social engagement system, physiology, and attachment dynamics
- Why the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) study is so important in generational and community healing
- Using somatic techniques for supporting resilience, regulation, and repair
- Ethics and protocols
Somatic Resilience & Regulation is a program to provide clinicians and practitioners with an orientation specifically to developmental trauma.
Prior knowledge and experience in a bio-physiological model of trauma resolution is required as a pre-requisite for this training; such as Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy or the Hakomi Method.
Also suitable is the completion of a relevant somatic based trauma resolution training such as:
- Touch Skills for Therapists Training - Kathy Kain
- Transforming the Experience-Based Brain - Stephen Terrell
- NeuroAffective Touch Foundation Training - Aline La Pierre
- Somatic Experiencing Intermediate level
If you have attended any other equivalent trauma resolution training that is not listed above, please provide details on the application form.
Following is a list of topics that will be addressed in each module.
Module 1
- Overview of developmental trauma and its impact on physiological regulation
- Introduction to the SRR model of regulation-focused methods of working with developmental trauma
- The SRR model of the relationship between the Window of Tolerance, the Faux Window of Tolerance, Defensive Accommodations, and the Survival Self
- Healthy gestation and birth sequence
- Introduction to attachment styles (secure, anxious, avoidant, disorganized), and their associated parental behaviors
- Bowlby’s healthy attachment characteristics
- Understanding how the therapist’s attachment pattern shows up in the therapy room
- Interoception, neuroception, and safety
- Homeostasis and allostatic load in relation to disruptions in the autonomic nervous system
- Common behavioral and physiological management strategies (Defensive Accommodations) induced by early trauma
- Somatic techniques for supporting regulation and a felt-sense of safety
- Somatic methods for supporting resilience and restoration of social engagement
Module 2
- Viewing attachment through the lens of developmental trauma
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study, and regulation interventions
- The Window of Tolerance, Faux Window of Tolerance, and symptoms
- Micro-titration
- Shame, regulation, and the P.A.C.E model
- Neurosequential development and developmental trauma
- Working with developmental and shock trauma: their differences and overlaps
- Introduction to working somatically with high-tone parasympathetic (freeze) responses
- Supporting greater capacity for social engagement and bonding
- Scope of practice and developmental trauma
Module 3
- The impacts of developmental trauma/disorganized attachment - lessons learned from the Romanian Orphans Study
- The overlaps between disorganized attachment patterns and complex trauma
- Supporting neurophysiological access to the lower-tone “middle range” of parasympathetic function
- Somatic methods for working with severe dysregulation and highly sensitive physiology
- Understanding the types of re-regulation that are necessary in working with disorganized attachment and complex trauma
- Somatic adaptive and maladaptive behaviors and their impact on the ANS and overall regulatory functions
- The impact of trauma on the hormonal signaling system, neurotransmitters, and immune response
- Somatic methods for working with the mediastinum to support a greater felt-sense of connection and safety
- Traumatic transference and countertransference
When And Where
Hybrid Distant Learning
Students must attend Skill Building Experience during real-time on Zoom.
The dates for the Skills Building Experiences are below. Dates are shown in US and Australia formats.
Module 1
September 16-17, 2023 (Australia)
September 15-16, 2023 (US)
Module 2
December 9-10, 2023 (Australia)
December 8-9, 2023 (US)
Module 3
February 24-25, 2024 (Australia)
February 23-24, 2024 (US)
Module 1:
12th AUG
US: 8th SEP - 3:30 PM PST
September 16-17, 2023 (Australia)
September 15-16, 2023 (US)
AU: 8.30am - 3.00pm AEST
US: 3:30pm - 10:00pm PST
Module 2:
3rd NOV
US: 30th NOV - 1:30pm-3:00pm PST
US: 7th DEC - 1:30 PST
December 8-9, 2023 (US)
US: 8th DEC - 1:30pm - 8:00pm PST
Module 3:
20th JAN 2024
US: 16th FEB - 1:30pm-3pm PST
February 23-24, 2024 (US)
US: 23rd FEB - 1:30pm - 8:00pm PST
Payment And Related Information:
Please use the registration link in the Register section below to view tuition details.
Cancellation Policy:
Please use the registration link in the Register section below to view cancellation terms.
Tracey -
Kathy L. Kain
Stephen J. Terrell, PsyD, SEP
Click here to learn more about Kathy and Stephen.
Continuing Education Information:
CE Information is being updated.
To register for this training, please register on the Somatic Experiencing Australia website by clicking here.